Friday, 12 June 2009

Tai Tokerau Matariki

A banner in Cameron Street Mall, advertising events celebrating Matariki here in Tai Tokerau (Northland).

It's Matariki here in New Zealand at the moment, the Maori New Year, which celebrates the rise of Matariki, a set of seven stars (also known as the Seven Sisters or the Pleiades) and the following New Moon.

As per Tai Tokerau "Traditionally, depending on the visibility of Matariki, the coming season's crop was thought to be determined. The brighter the stars indicated the warmer the season would be and thus a more productive crop. It was also seen as an important time for family to gather and reflect on the past and the future."

Now Matariki is celebrated with concerts, plays, street performances, art and music festivals and classes on traditonal Maori arts such as weaving and carving.

Happy Matariki!


  1. Ah Cameron street Mall. My first ever job was at the ASB Bank on Rathbone Street so I spent a bit of time here.

    I can tell I'm going to enjoy this blog. Strange though, because I was thinking about doing the same thing for here in Brittany.

  2. You kept this quiet ... I get here on day #3 and don't have to sign in - lovely pics Fi

  3. Greg - yep, good old Cameron Street Mall. It's the heart of the city alright, especially with the new Glassons store! The CDP community is great so go for it, get your little part of Brittany on the map.

    Jo - I was so busy getting up and running I forgot to crow about it! The mobile blogging's going to be the key to keeping it going though.

    That is the chicken - Shush! Don't mention the rain! ;)
