Thursday, 11 June 2009

Misty watercoloured morning bonus

This was the view driving into work this morning. Frankly, I have to get up *way* too early...but this makes it just a little bit worth it.


  1. I suppose it is nicer when you get to see landscapes that look like this one does. I used to drive back and forth through Dayton, Ohio in the 1960s when I worked at NCR (National Cash Register) and all I saw was a whole lot of people, in cars, trying to get through all of the traffice to their place of work and then the process was repeated at night.

    When I quit that job in research and development and went into teaching I had to drive in one day the equivalent of 5 days of driving through Dayton, but this was all out in the country or along interstates and back country roads. Even in the winter time when road were slippery I enjoyed the drive a lot more.

  2. I'd get up early for a view like that! Looks like you have a great commute to work.
    P.S. You should have an additional tick box labelled beautiful or stunning...'cos that's what I wanted to check for this one but I had to make do with cool!

  3. Hi Abe, I come from Auckland originally, New Zealand's biggest city and I moved north to live rurally out of Whangarei three years ago. The commute into Whangarei is 30 mins with hardly any traffic and views like this compared to a bumper to bumper commute when I worked in Auckland. I don't miss it all!

    You've got such a great blog - duly adding it to my growing list :)

  4. That is the chicken - a "beautiful" check box would be a great idea. I know I'd use it!

  5. I also would not mind getting up early if I that was the view to start my day, that is spectacular
